Why a Living Museum Toggle

Why a Living Museum in Morino

The preservation of the natural and cultural heritage survived and its exploitation, represent the basis for initiating new processes of development and real-compatible. The City of Morino, Managing body of the Reserve, in collaboration with Legambiente, For several years produces innovative projects activation territorial and environmental protection, with the aim of identifying, for those who live in this place, prospects for sustainable development and sustainable.
Recognize and be able to interpret the character, the vocation of the territory, is therefore an essential condition for living it properly, both as tourists, attentive to the natural beauties and historical-anthropological, both as citizens using resources sparingly local, both as administrators who need to plan and govern with an eye to the future.
The cultural project that inspired the pole ecomuseale Morino on the involvement of the local population since its creation. Citizenship in fact in recent years, has participated in initiatives of animation and territorial enhancement activated in collaboration with associations and organizations.
Significant changes were made to the revitalization of the Village of Old Morino with the volunteer camps and events organized by Legambiente, AAD'a - Howl Atelier d'Architecture, and by the Cooperative play "The Lanciavicchio". Relevant to the construction of the network eco-museum were also made with eco-friendly projects to enhance the Community Programme Leader II and implemented by Gal Marsi. In the construction of the Eco should not underestimate the active role played by schools in the area and the local associations. Finally, the process of Agenda 21 local, activated in the 2002 with funds from the Ministry of the Environment, and the significant results obtained, has strengthened the intention of continuing in our efforts to fruition ecomuseale land. The Eco-museum of Morino, still being completed, is intended as a tool adapted to the enhancement of the complex of values ​​and bonds that defines "local heritage":
