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A reserve projects ...

The Nature Reserve Zompo The Schioppo has long been committed to the implementation of safeguard policies of the environmental heritage through awareness and the leadership of the local community. To make concrete these policies need to invest a lot of effort in the development of projects with which access to financial instruments other. A diverse group of professionals coordinated by the management of the Reserve, works every year to participate in competitions such as Nature Life, Culture 2000, Equal ecc.
The main projects launched were summarized in the attached documents.

Agenda 21. A Book of ...


Has become more and more widespread awareness that environmental changes are putting at risk the future of humanity.
Already in the United Nations Conference for Environment and Development (UNCED), tenutasi to Rio de Janeiro nel 1992, 178 countries of the world have highlighted the urgent need for action to promote sustainable development. The debate at the Rio Conference is rotated around the term "sustainable development" intending it for a form of development that meets the needs of all the peoples who inhabit the earth in the present moment, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
This concept, become the cornerstone of a comprehensive strategic policy, sets itself the task, for towards, to eradicate poverty in developing, On the other, to create a new balance between the material wealth of the industrialized countries and the protection of nature, basis for the life of all.
Il Document Schedule 21, approved in Rio de Janeiro at the conclusion of the Conference on Sustainable Development, indicates the policies and actions to be implemented in all countries to embark on the road of sustainable development, and ends with an invitation to the national authorities, regional and local, around the world, to establish their own agenda 21, into account the specificities of each territory.
In Italia, Agenda 21 was realized through a program co-funded by the Ministry of Environment has set itself the goal of activating pathways of land management, that are primarily shared by citizens. In the definition of the actions, however, is not only necessary to take into account the needs of the community, but we must also respect environmental resources, cultural and social, taking charge of objectives and results in the short, medium and long term.
Adopt Agenda 21 thus allows a community to build a real dialogue taking part in the formulation of the strategic development of the local (Local Action Plan) and developing a responsible awareness of the reflections on the natural environment and local cultures that these lines involve.


The City of Morino, Managing body of the Natural Reserve Zompo the Schioppo, in close collaboration with Legambiente, for several years has been building innovative projects of territorial development and environmental protection, seek to identify with those who live in the territory prospects for sustainable development and eco-sustainable.
Both the Administration, As residents have historically demonstrated a strong motivation for the paths of “sustainability”, in the management of the LEADER II Programme, participation in the regular activities of the Reserve, to volunteer camps organized by Legambiente and the paths of recovery and revitalization of the Atelier d'architecture ambulant (aad’a ).
Does not arouse wonder, then, that in a protected area such as that of Morino, as amplitude limited, has undertaken a process of conviction Agenda 21 Local, instrument usually used by metropolitan areas, but he had a different number, peculiar concretisation, equally important, in the small reality of Abruzzo.
The primary intent was to enhance the culture of respect for the land and its resources, and to accompany the local community to rediscover their history and the reasons for his "reside" and think about it's future.


The activation of the Agenda 21 Local has represented an operational tool to stimulate the participation of local decision-making process more motivated to reserve Zompo the Schioppo. This project is in addition to an understanding of the importance of protecting the ecosystem hydrological, wildlife and vegetation, the exploitation of resources, the promotion of environmental and sustainable tourism, has fostered the growth of awareness in the local population on their own resources and their own cultural identity. The importance of a protected natural area, as well as the responsibility to preserve the natural aspects, cultural and landscape of a territory, also lies in the ability to experiment with economic development less ephemeral, able to give concrete answers to the question of use of environmental goods.
The project developed by the Reserve, co-financed by the Ministry of the Environment, started in January 2002 and ended in May 2003.
In the first stage has been set up interdisciplinary working group formed in part by employees of the Reserve and partly by external consultants, this group has sought to give this project A21, a framework of path-process in which the different phases occurring susseguissero and ricalibrandosi in their implementation process.

The activities have been: analysis of the state of the environment through research, archiving and data classification, materials and studies already present in reserve or processed by other agencies. The definition of the areas of intervention, working methodology, of the communication campaign, the definition of the executive project and identification of performance indicators, strategies and actions in a more incisive reality with issues common to all internal areas of the Apennines.
L 'identification of stakeholders, verification of communication strategy and interrelation with the local population.
The organization and implementation of the Distribution areas Forum, three out of each of the fractions Morino, Grange, Rendinara, on the following topics: "Infrastructures and Environment Local", "New opportunities are compatible in a protected area", "The quality of the spaces and the life".
The organization and implementation of open public meetings on the topics "Design and evaluation of participatory planning and social policies of the Administration", "Evaluation and development of mountain resources and activities and opportunities related to it".
In parallel with the unfolding of the forum, were carried Design Workshops Held on projects already in progress or those that the Administration has in mind to achieve. Thus, covered topics such as the recovery of the Village of Old Morino, the renovation of the square of Morino and enhancement of public spaces of the town of Grange. Through them, has achieved the goal of allowing the information and the evaluation of interventions in place, guaranteeing the acceptance of the projects by the population or, vice versa, the possibility to make proposals and critical in the design phase and not to the finished product.
At the end of the forum were organized study days aimed at knowledge of reality characterized by social and economic dynamics in the territory proposed again; Fra Queste, in particular, refers to the meeting, took place at the Design Workshop Held on Places to live, with the architect Paul Haigh Castiglioni, main collaborator of the architect Giancarlo De Carlo, for the design and implementation of the recovery of the ancient village of Colletta di Castelbianco in Liguria. In addition to, were presented sustainable forms of tourism related to the mountain by hiking associations of the CAI and the FIE. In this type of business you are added-day visit to the reality of great interest as the Science City of Bagnoli, Companies of the City of Faringdon and livestock farms in the Majella National Park.

In parallel to the activities of the Forum have been planned and developed a series of activities with schools, with the belief that children are an 'enormous wealth for the whole society, it is operated so that they can achieve and express their natural desire to seek, know, be leaders. This has resulted in the activation of a Town Council of the girls and boys who, connected with the environmental education project “Reserve ... Towards a child-”, has been following the unfolding of the path LA21, producing different materials and communicative analysis. Action of particular importance was the involvement of the City Council to support the organization's summer camp for children from the territories affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
The whole process of this A21 has been followed by the cooperative theatrical Lanciavicchio, which together with the guys in the drafting of Terre, drew up the text of a play set in the Old Morino.
All events organized under the project, the Festival of Ideas, the Festival finale with which they were presented the results of the path, were moments of greater communication and exchange with both the local population and with the outside, have concentrated a variety of activities, come feste, performance of street artists, tastings, fun recreational activities, presentation of the work of the Forum, schools and laboratories, collection of additional information on the experiences of the population through interviews and questionnaires, presentation and documentation of different experiences and other individual terms no less important for the understanding of the territory and its population.

All this took place in a warm, intensely communicative, where the exchange of experiences and knowledge between different actors and different shapes, including institutional, involved in the process of LA21, was not difficult and of great substance. To this must be added the fact that the events were constructed and organized directly by the local people or groups working in the area, under the coordination of the Working Group and in this way it was possible to create a process around the small, but induced significant economic and promotional Territory.
All the way, activities and risultai are collected in a publication, organized in files containing: The report on the state of, The logbook and the Local Action Plan.
Through the experiences of participatory planning policies and strategies socio-urban, you are citizens involved in the decision and in the construction of instruments for territorial management as the General Plan, the Spatial Plan of the Reserve "Zompo the Schioppo", and Recovery Plans Morino Old and Rendinara.


Executive Summary

Of 12 years, the Regional Reserve Zompo The Schioppo and the City of Morino running a project, to promote the area and the culture of its inhabitants, through a Theatre Festival directed by the theater Lanciavicchio. The Festival includes Ambient'Arti, events in the natural environment and presentation of high-level performances by national artists in the spaces of the Reserve, but is characterized mainly by the activities of analysis and reconstruction of the oral memory that are implemented with the participation of citizens, and aimed to re-read the environmental values, historical and anthropological territory. Career research and analysis built by professionals of the entertainment industry, of narration and acting together in schools, in young and old, campus training and provide insight, through the language of imagination and creation stage, the issues related to the sustainable development of the territory from within the resources available, and the reconstruction of an intangible heritage of shared memory and culture of the place.
The primary intent of the "Ambient'Arti to Morino" is therefore to enhance the culture of respect for the land and its resources through paths that encourage cultural tourism in the Valley Bush and help the local community to rediscover their own history, the reasons for his "reside" and think about it's future.

The specific objectives are:
• Search for an innovative method of knowledge, analysis and promotion of the region through cultural projects of broad.
• Encourage residents to a greater awareness of the value of environmental resources, historical, cultural and sustainable use of their, through the identification of development models that take into account the real needs of the individual; promote at the same time promoting themselves through artistic events.
• Ideare, organize and promote events and creative paths of art and culture in relation to the landscape and environment-territory. Then promote the territory with moments of discovery environment, the landscape through an all-round, that passes not only through the vision of the place but also the perception of the same through the other organs of perception and creative.
• To train professionals capable of fulfilling artistic and cultural projects through the acquisition of disciplinary skills, knowledge and design methodologies for the tools of representation and performative practices in the landscape and in relation to the territory.
• Characterize the Reserve Zompo the Schioppo not as passive container of environmental goods, but as a hotbed of cultural production and artistic originals, events that have roots in the natural environment and cultural traditions, but the branches that stretch to the most innovative forms of cultural tourism.


2000 (August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino)
Fin dal 2000 initiatives organized in the village of old Morino involving various artistic disciplines, combining training activities aimed at young people and citizens of the place with art events.
Ambulant In collaboration with Atelier d'Architecture was organized Shipyard International AADA. which was attended by many young people between the 16 e i 25 year old.
As part of the project were presented theatrical performances.

2001 (August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino)
Training activities have been expanded with the establishment of the Campus training for actors, Theatre and directed by Lanciavicchio addressed to young people from different countries of the European Union and the youth of the territory; theater workshops and the final show on the abandoned ruins were made on the texts The Giants of the Mountain of Pirandello and Calvino's Invisible Cities
At the same time it was initiated by Lanciavicchio a theater workshop with the inhabitants of Morino on the conservation and dissemination of the memories and traditions, which had resulted in a show on the memories of the area and the theme of banditry .
As part of the project were presented theatrical performances in the abandoned village of Morino.
2002 (August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino, EcoMuseo, Nature Reserve Zompo the Schioppo)
Within the project Agenda 21 made from the Reserve Zompo the Schioppo and the City of Morino, was organized theatrical Castelli direct air route to school groups and associations active in the area, on the theme of memory and identity territorial.
The training activities conducted by the theatrical Lanciavicchio have also involved the children of Morino and Grange and Ukrainian children (hosted by the Reserve Zompo Schioppo) in the laboratory of non-verbal communication, and in the show finale; Campus training for young actors has been focused on the work of the actor on the stage in relation to the natural theme of memory and on texts from 'Oedipus Rex' by Sophocles and contemporary authors.
A group of professional actors worked on the construction of the original art materials, in order to bring together the different stimuli and different activities carried out in the course of the project in a big touring show of a thousand souls. The group Ambulant Atelier d'Architecture has created for the event suggestive art installations.
The great collective event final on the ruins of the Old Village of Morino has involved approximately seventy people including actors, registers, scenography, children, musicians, citizens and students of the theater workshop.
2003 (17-20 August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino, Nature Reserve Zompo the Schioppo)
You have activated the creative writing workshop Pre ... Visions of scene, conducted by Lanciavicchio and direct the youth of the editorial staff of the magazine 'Terre';the entire path led to the creation of a play original
written by many hands that has condensed on every page images, words, reflections and ramblings about the process of re-appropriation of historical memory and autobiographical territory.
In collaboration with the Reserve Zompo the Schioppo were organized excursions and astronomical observations.
Among the training activities, in addition to the Campus theatrical workshops were organized concerning the observation of the Sun and the construction of sundials edited by Ad'A Ambulant Atelier d'Architecture ,and construction paper by professors of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.
Were presented shows: Concert Band Morino, Tristan and Isolde by Andrea Brugnera, The hanging of the Company Corona, Aquarum the Theatre Lanciavicchio, Strike, con musiche di Yo Yo Mundi e concerti musicali.
2004 (8-10 August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino, Nature Reserve Zompo the Schioppo)
The Festival Ambient'Arti has been structured in a three-day festival in the village of Old Morino and in moments of training that preceded the days of the Festival

Sunday 8 AUGUST 2004
HOURS 16.00 – Piazza XXIV MAY – MORINO

THEATRE "Deus lo vult"
COMPANY OF FOOLS (Ascoli Piceno)

BY THE GROUP F Amateur Astronomers. Angelitti OF AIELLI

Monday 9 AUGUST 2004

BY THE TITANIC dell'orchestrina (PISTOIA)

BY THE GROUP F Amateur Astronomers. Angelitti OF AIELLI

Tuesday 10 AUGUST


Research and training related :
26 July - 10 August
Campus training for actors and young people of the area, which was attended by teachers from different areas of Italy, Orvieto, Rome , Milan led by the operators of Lanciavicchio.

The Campus Theatre Theatre Lanciavicchio that the Cooperative has a direct Morino part of the festival in the summer Ambient'Arti 2004 for two weeks has created a theatrical journey intensive training and residential, for 16 young people from various locations in the Marsi.
The campus has seen alternating five teachers who have developed training courses parallel on different methods and techniques attorali, l’ use of body and voice in a situation of representation, the techniques of storytelling, improvisation techniques and how to report the actor with the public, space and the companions of action.
The participants in the campus - winners of scholarships made available by the Reserve Zompo The Schioppo -
were young people aged 18 to 24 years from different countries of the Marsi, for most university students.
On the evening of 10 August, among the ruins of the ancient village, was staged the play "The palace of memories", where the contents of the various courses are all merged and placed in relation to the spaces and the drama of the show.

Campus Teatrale
from 26 July to 10 August 2004
You Ecce
Professor Antonello Cassinotti

The group of young students with the seminar Ecce item has embarked on a path of acquisition of techniques for using voice, aimed at developing the potential of the voice staff, in order to make aware of its use in the scene. Apart from the technical aspect of the teacher Antonello Cassinotti has placed an emphasis on infinite possibilities evocative sound, even before the word, through a large section devoted to’ personal and collective improvisation.

Storytelling Techniques
docente Andrea Brugnera

The art of storytelling though it is one of the oldest forms of theater, has long been abandoned by the Italian avant-garde tetrali, but in recent years in the age of virtual reality has begun to reason a central place in the Italian theater. Andrea Brugnera in his workshop in addition to the work on the basic techniques of storytelling, made a trip within the narrative, merging it with the use of everyday objects out of context and used by searching the endless possibilities evocative, relational and symbolic order of mention, emphasize, point out the actions of the characters told.

The body and the space
Professor Stefania Evandro
In this seminar Stefania Evandro led students to an awareness of the body as an instrument cretivo main actor, as a first communication channel with the viewer, as a form to be modeled and to require attention, creative and evocative as a mechanism to control and train. The construction of personal and collective physical scores have marked much of the seminar, paying particular attention to the perception of space and its modifications, in relation to the action of the body or bodies in motion.

Improvisation and mask
Professor Andrea Cosentino

The use of improvisation as a mode of composition and theatrical creation was the topic of the seminar by Andrea Cosentino developed through practical exercises, improvisation as a creative mode that then goes to formalize and crystallize in a structure called all'inteno which the actor can act freely. Another topic was the construction of the mask, understood as something else, character at which to shape a body a voice, an intention "credible".

Actor, Report and staging
Professor Antonio Silvagni

The report was the main theme of the seminar, how to report the actor, with text, with the character, with colleagues, with the audience. It focuses attention on the role of the actor as a servant of the story, as a means through which a story, a man, of dreams, tragedies come to the viewer. At the same time they were created at different times of collective work in order to use the theater as a sounding instruments to analyze and transform individual behavior and forms of human relationship standardized and stereotyped.

2005 (8-10 August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino)
As part of the Festival Ambient'Arti 2005 The conference was organized Gulliver is in Lilliput, experiences of small towns in comparison to draw possible future.
On the evenings of the Festival were presented performances Parade Night of Theatre Pothlac of Fara Sabina, No more crusades or the adventurous story of Richard the Horse Theatre Lanciavicchio and Angelica, Andrea Cosentino.
Research and training related :
From the project 'dramaturgy of place', a path of anthropological research in order to reconstruct and disseminate the wealth of memory and traditions of the past, was born the theatrical event of the cooking time by cooking the memory ..., dinner shows with actors / servants citizens of Morino and Grange; the dinner show staged in the magnificent scenery of the old village of Morino, where the tasting of typical products and dishes joins the story of local traditions. was attended by about 500 people for three consecutive nights.
In the same year he built a theater workshop for children, that led to the creation of a play set in the scenery of Old Morino , a reflection on the theme of food and nutrition.

8,9,10 AGOSTO ore 21,00 Morino Old

Cooking time ... Cooking memory
Performance of the Laboratory of the inhabitants of Morino

8 August

Hours 21,00
Cooking time ... Cooking memory
Performance of the Laboratory of the inhabitants of Morino by the Cooperative Theatre Lanciavicchio

Hours 22,00
Teatro Tangram (Vimercate)
WAM! Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Square Entertainment

9 August

Hours 21,00
Cooking time ... Cooking memory
Performance of the Laboratory of the inhabitants of Morino by the Cooperative Theatre Lanciavicchio

Hours 22,00
— Cooperative Lanciavicchio

10 August

Hours 21,00
Cooking time ... Cooking memory
Performance of the Laboratory of the inhabitants of Morino by the Cooperative Theatre Lanciavicchio

ore22,00 Angelica
And starring Andrea Cosentino
Directed by Andrea Franceschi Virgilio

Cooking time ... Cooking memory
Performance of the Laboratory of the inhabitants of Morino
by the Cooperative Theatre Lanciavicchio

From a distance of anthropological research within the municipality of Morino and its inhabitants, has built a theatrical event within the ruins of a medieval village.
The event was characterized by the mixing of the elements that characterize the territory of Morino:
the stories of the past, the dialect, the anxieties of the future and look at distant times and the ability to rework the past in relation to the construction
of a future consistent with the stories and the environment.
The show was presented all three evenings of the Festival and had the dress of dinner
but the dishes are seasoned with stories and tales related to culture and the desire for food.

2006 (7-12 August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino)
The Festival Ambient'Arti provided for the reception of Carovante Caravan thespian with his entire retinue of 15 musicians, actors and directors and film makers, which have driven the territory with shows and moments of research related to local traditions, with the full involvement of local populations. The Festival has become Ambient'Arti then traveling: from the village of Morino some old shows linked to the theme of memory and the woods were deployed in the countries of Morino, Grancia and Rendinara.
Research and training:
Were made 3 Workshops for children at Morino, Rendinara and Grange on building giant puppets foam.
The Theatre Workshop with the citizens of Morino led to the creation of the show The Crooked tree: in the forest of memory, sul bosco topic: work and memories, le basic e le storie.

Wrong and right
ambient'arti to morino 2006
tells the woods

The wood crafts toil and sweat
The forest of fairy tales of fear and terror
The forest of men, of ghosts and animals
Gnomes, of fairies and giants dwarfs

The forest as a place where lost and found
The forest as a world apart
as a parallel universe in which anything can happen:
life, death and miracles.

Wrong and right
ambient'arti to morino 2006
tells the woods

"... In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. Every day, the straight tree would say to the crooked: “Look at me. I'm tall and straight and beautiful. Look. You're all crooked and bent. Nobody wants you to watch.” And they grew up in that forest, together.
And then one day the loggers came, and they saw the crooked tree and the straight tree, and said,: “Just cut the straight trees and leave the rest.” So the loggers turned all the straight trees into lumber and toothpicks and paper.
And the crooked tree is still there, to grow stronger every day "
tom waits

7 August 16.30 Rendinara Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST

8 agosto​ 10.30 Morino Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST
16.30 Grange Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST
​ 21.30 Entertainment Rendinara never Crusades

9 August 10.30 Morino Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST
​ 16.30 grancia Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST

10 August 10.30 Grange Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST
16.30 Rendinara Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST
​ 21.30 Grange show Powder butterfly

11 August 10.30 Rendinara Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST
​ 16.30 Morino Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST

12 August 16.30 Morino Workshop for children GIANTS OF THE FOREST
​ 21.30 Morino The crooked tree in the woods of memory was ...(performance of the laboratory
Performance of the inhabitants of Morino by the coop. Lanciavicchio)

2007 (4-5 August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino, 31 August- 1 September)
The event was opened by the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese conducted by Roberto Molinelli.
The program included the presentation of the book Stories Rendinara Dominic Falcione, screening of the documentary The roots of the Future community Morino says, interviews with citizens of Morino.
The citizens of Morino and Grange, under the direction of Lanciavicchio have presented the show Rose and Rosary. Rites individual and collective, autobiography of a territory and its people, within an area of ​​natural reserve Zompo The Schioppo. The spectacle of the citizens was then replicated in Morino in the Main Square and Rendinara, always linked to the vision of documentary.
In closing events, the 31 August was organized the conference Dramaturgy of the place, theatrical institutions , companies and institutions in comparison, Following the 1 September by theatrical and artistic performances in the village of Old Morino.
Training activities related :

Theater workshop with the citizens of Morino Rose and Rosary.
Ambient'Arti to Morino
Morino Borgo Vecchio - Morino (AQ)
31 August 2007

Dramaturgy of Place
the theater as a tool of analysis, knowledge and 'pre vision'

Hours 16,00 Greetings
Mayor Antonio Mattei Morino
Ugo Federici Councillor for Culture of the City of Morino

Introduce e Coordina
Umberto D'Angelo Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities

Presentation of good practices that interweave theater, culture and territory

Ambient'Arti to Morino, Theatre Lanciavicchio – Avezzano (AQ)

Piccolo Teatro of METI – Paglieta (CH)
Theatre Paradosso – Loreto Aprutino (IN)
Rogoteatro - Canzano (TE)
Terrateatro - Giulianova (TE)
Marcello Gallucci Professor of History Performing Arts Academy of Fine Arts L'Aquila
John D'Amico Councillor Small Municipalities and Budget Abruzzo Region
Orazio De Meis Councillor for Culture Valley Mountain Community Bush
Benedetto Di Pietro Head of Training Aquila Province
Sandro Giovanruscio CGIL General Secretary of the Province of L'Aquila
Emidio Stallocca Gal President Marsi
Hours 18,00 Debate

Hours 19,00 Conclusions
Stefania Pezzopane President of the Province of L'Aquila
Elizabeth Walls Councillor for Culture Region Abruzzo
Hours 19,30 Tasting of Local Products

Hours 21,00 Fragments of air – Path-Entertainment in the ruins of the village by the companies, Piccolo Teatro of METI, Theatre Paradosso, Rogoteatro, Terrateatro, Theatre Lanciavicchio.
Hours 22,15 Toast to the bell tower for the completion of the restoration work

2008 (January-May 2008, City of Morino)
The activities of training related to the project time cooking ... cooking memory were distributed during a period of increased breathing. The work with the citizens of Morino, Grange and Rendinara led to the presentation of eight-show dinners during the winter period in the Ristorante Lo Schioppo , where the tasting of typical products and dishes was combined the story of the customs and local traditions.
2009 (15-30 August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino, Reserve Zompo the Schioppo)
Training activities.
15-27 Theater workshop group of citizens of Morino Grange.
17-27 Theater workshops for children in care companies Terrateatro (Giulianova) and Teatro del Paradosso (Loreto Aprutino).
22-27 Ambient'Azioni music campus music by the maestro Massimo Unleash.
22-30 August
Were presented touring shows of Children's Theater Parade TDA, Theatres D'Abruzzo, in the countries of Civitella Bush and Civita d'Antino Tetari D'Abruzzo and Draghettando by the Company The Drake (L'Aquila).
Students in the Campus Music directed by M. Massimo Unleash presented some piano concerts.
In the village of Old Morino alternated performances: The Ballad of courage to Teatrabile (L'Aquila), Fabrizio De Andrè and the earthquake in Arts and Entertainment (L'Aquila), So if you think it, national premiere of the show Theatres D'Abruzzo (network of companies in Abruzzo Terrateatro Giulianova, Theatre of Paradox Aprutino Loreto and Teatro Lanciavicchio of Avezzano).
Also in the village of Old Morino, citizens of Morino Grange presented the show Disorientation and Wine Italoabruzzese (L'Aquila) Dance has performed in concert and Dolls, with traditional music accompanied by the "dance of the Pupa".
In the Reserve Zompo the Schioppo were brought on stage performances of The Children's Theater of water Lalla Terrateatro (Giulianova), Scratching and Rondinella (Teatro del Paradosso di Loreto Abruzzo) and Tales of the Forest (Theatre Lanciavicchio), revived after a series of replicas presented in the same frame in the month of May.
They have also been organized space debate state of the Theatre, Presentation of the magazine Terre for L'Aquila, the projection of the video reportage of Gaetano Di Giovanni in collaboration with Legambiente, What the conference Energy, Renewable Energy.

Ambient'arti 2009
Festival of Theatre
in the abandoned village of Morino
and in the Nature Reserve Zompo The Schioppo
e a Morino, Grange, Rendinara, San Vincenzo, Civita d'Antin, Canistro, Civitella Bush.

theater / / debates / concert-show /
residences theater / art installations / campus teatrali e musicali

Companies and artists
Theatre Group Morino-Grange,company of children of Morino, Grange and Rendinara Theatre Lanciavicchio, Theatre paradosso, Terrateatro, Teatrabile, Wine Country ItaloAbruzzese, Arts and Entertainment Giuliano Di Gaetano, Massimo Piunti, Abruzzo theaters, Draghetto, Maestro Massimiliano Scatena.
Artistic Director Theatre Lanciavicchio

Program Campus
15 June – 27 agosto Morino
Disorientation ... by Morino Morino old to new 7th chapter of the autobiography collective
Theatre Workshop of the Group Theatre Morino-Grange by Teatro Lanciavicchio

17 – 26 August Rendinara and Morino-Grancia
Ambient'azioni theater
Theater workshops for children in care of the Theatre of Paradox and Earth Theatre

22 – 27 August - Grancia
Ambient'azioni Musical
Campus music by Master Massimiliano Scatena

Program shows
22 August Civitella Bush
pm 16.30 – Piazza Municipio
Carovante TdA (edited by Theatres d'Abruzzo)
Parade for children and theatrical actions
pm 17.30 all 20.00 – Piazza San Giovanni
Entertainment and art workshops for adults and children

23 August Civita d'Antin
pm 16.30 alle ore 20.00 - Piazza del Banco
Carovante TdA edited by Theatres d'Abruzzo
Parade, theatrical events and art workshops

25 August San Vincenzo Valle Bush
hours 16.30
Classical music concert by the students of the Campus Music

26 August Canistro
hours 16.30
Classical music concert by the students of the Campus Music

Thursday 27 August
pm 16.00 – Rendinara / Morino / Grange
Draghettando – Parade Theatre by the Theatre Company Drake

hours 21.00 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
Laboratory show children Morino-Grange-Rendinara
edited by Terrateatro and Theatre of Paradox
hours 21.00 - Canistro
Classical music concert by the students of the Campus Music
hours 21.30 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
Disorientation ... (Morino Morino from old to new) - Chapter VII collective autobiography
Theatrical Performance of the Group Theatre Morino-Grange by Teatro Lanciavicchio

Friday 28 August
hours 16. 30 - Reserve Zompo the Schioppo
The water Lalla children's show curated by Terrateatro

hours 21.00 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
Legambiente for L'Aquila projection video reportage edited by Giuliano Di Gaetano

hours 21.30 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
The Ballad of courage theatrical show curated by Teatrabile

hours 22.30 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
Fabrizio De André poet theatrical performance by the Arts and Entertainment

Saturday 29 August
hours 16. 30 - Reserve Zompo the Schioppo
Scratching and Rondinella children's show curated by Theatre of Paradox

hours 18.00 - Village of Morino old
Space debate: What energy: renewable energy and energy saving

hours 21.00 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
Lands for L'Aquila presentation of the special issue of the journal

hours 21.30 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
So it is! before the national theatrical performance by Theatres d'Abruzzo

Hours 22.30 - Borgo Vecchio Morino
Balls and Dolls Concerto Wine ItaloAbruzzese and follow the Dance of pupa

Sunday 30 August
hours 10.30 - Reserve Zompo the Schioppo
Tales of the Wood children's show by Teatro Lanciavicchio

hours 12.30 - Reserve Zompo the Schioppo
Tales of the Wood children's show by Teatro Lanciavicchio (Avezzano)

2010 (15-30 August, Vecchio Borgo di Morino, Reserve Zompo the Schioppo)

• Campus Music Musical Ambient'Azioni
The campus was held from 23 the 30 August, Schioppo him in the halls of the Hotel and the Living Museum, was conducted by Massimiliano Scatena and participated 16 students from various parts of Europe.
Students, as in the previous edition, have held concerts in other countries of the Valley Bush, In fact, they were guests in San Vincenzo Valle Bush the day 26 August at Piazzetta San Rocco, while the day 27 August Capistrello they performed the 4 teachers.
During the concerts were organized, by the boys of the civil service, Banquet and distributed informational materials on reserve.
• Festival Ambient'Arti
Two days of activities carried out in the forests of the Reserve, dedicated to the theater, music, to science and to walk under the stars
Star trekking 21 August – The day began with the inauguration of the exhibition "Planet Watch" Telespazio held at the Eco-museum and open to the public from 21 the 28 August.
It was then activated for all children in care of an astronomical laboratory Serastrof. Near the hut Schioppo it was set up a refreshment, organized and managed by all traders Morino.
The evening's program included the following shows:
-First Steps on the Moon Theatrical show with Andrea Casentino;
-Rock Around the Planet conference show with Ettore Perozzi;
-5 actors and musicians for a lay audience to gaze at the stars: The cosmicomiche;
-music and star gazing with the group amateurs Serastrof
-5 actors and musicians for a lay audience to gaze at the stars: The Myths and the Cosmos
During the evening was also carried out an Trekking Night: listening to the birds led by zoologist Amilcare D'Orsi.
• Draw Art 28 August – The final day of the project took place always in the forests of the Reserve and began touring with a concert on the nature trail by the students of the campus music, to the Piazzale Schioppo. As the day of 21 were organized food stalls, always by traders Morino, to follow the activities carried out were:
-Campus Concert of Music conducted by Maestro Massimo Unleash;
-10 years of Collective Autobiography Entertainment Group of Citizens of Morino and Grange
As part of the event were also invited journalists to a press conference at the dinner-haven Lo Schioppo.

Morino Nature Reserve Zompo the gun

21 August 2010 STAR TREKKING
17.30 Opening of the exhibition by the Telespazio Watch Planet of Avezzano
hours 18:30We look together at the starry sky, astronomical laboratory for children
hours 19:30Bars in Music
hours 20:00Open food stalls
hours 21:20First Steps on the Moon Theatrical show with Andrea Cosentino
hours 22:20Rock Around the Planet conference show with Ettore Perozzi
hours 23:305 actors and musicians for a lay audience to gaze at the stars: The cosmicomiche
hours 24:00Music and star gazing with the group amateurs Serastrof
hours 1:00Spaghettata
hours 2:00Trekking notturno: listening to the birds
hours 3:005 actors and musicians for a lay audience to gaze at the stars: The Myths and the Cosmos

28 August 2010 ART'S DRAW
hours 16:00Stella Stellina, The night is approaching, astronomical laboratory for children ages 5 to 11 year old
hours 18:30Itinerant Home Concert in the forest of the Reserve by the students of the campus music conducted by Maestro Unleash Massimilianoo
​tappa 1 the students of the master Alessio Elia
​tappa 2 the students of the master Roman Garioud
​tappa 3 the students of the teacher Aida Carmen Soinea
hours 20:00Open food stalls
hours 21:3010 years of Collective Autobiography Entertainment Group of Citizens of Morino and Grange
hours 22:20Campus Concert of Music conducted by Maestro Massimiliano Scatena

2011 (2-10 August, Grange, Morino, Civita d'Antin, Capistrello)
Training activities.
2-10 August piano lessons and tests, violin, violet, cello. Composition course, sound lab invisible, musica da camera, string quartet, pianists.
Laboratory artistic and craft of working with clay for the installation of artifacts on the monument to the fallen of the Grange.
5-9 August
Were presented the results of the laboratory on clay, the association Dedalus oversaw the animation of the day. It was inaugurated the photographic exhibition by Tonino Marzio held at the eco-museum of the Reserve. Along the streets of the Grange, teachers and students at the campus music they performed in open rehearsals, during the evening he performed the musical group 100% Bluez.
The musical performances were presented in the form of open rehearsals in various corners of the country, with the collaboration of the municipalities of Civita d'Antino and Capistrello, students and faculty on campus were also performed in the squares of the two countries.
Ambient'Azioni music
Morino, Civita d'Antin, Capistrello (AQ)
5-10 August 2011

5 August - Central Square Morino
hours 20,30 Theater Performance "The princess in green sauce" by and with Manuela Del Beato - Theatre Dedalus
hours 21,30 Musical rehearsals Ambient'azioni 2011 by the teachers and students on campus
hours 22,00 Jazz concert, latin, ethnic Damiano Notarpasquale - wind Massimo Di Matteo - guitars

6 August - Grange of Morino (AQ)
hours 18,30 Monument to the Fallen
Presentation summer activities carried out by the CEA Zompo Schioppo. Entertainment for children by Teatro Dedalus
hours 19,00 Living Museum of the Natural Reserve Zompo the Schioppo
Inauguration of photo exhibition "Portrait of a Country ... trip down memory lane" by Tonino Di Marzio
hours 19,30 Along the streets of the Grange
Musical rehearsals Ambient'azioni 2011 by the teachers and students on campus
hours 20,00 Piazza Sant'Antonio Dinner hosted by the women of the Grange and Pagliarello
hours 21,30 Piazza Sant'Antonio Concert "100% Bluez" David Lipari - guitars, Ruggero Solli vocals - drums
8 August - Civita d'Antin (AQ)
hours 21,00 Civita d'Antin Recital dei teaching campus – Musiche di Beethoven, Schubert, Popper, Bartok, Route, Elia
9 August - Capistrello (AQ)
hours 21,00 Capistrello, P.zza S. Antonio – Recital of the students on campus

2012 (24 July – 12 August, Reserve Zompo the Schioppo)
Training activities.
-Organization of the workshop activities "gathering stories",
The cooperative play the Lanciavicchio implemented with the citizens of Morino and the drafting of Terre workshops aimed at collecting documentary material, stories, short stories on the theme of banditry.
-Organization seminar Organology
The association Maxima Entropy, part of the event Ambient'Azioni music, organized at the media library Organology the seminar which was attended by students and teachers from various parts of Europe.
-Activation workshops for children
Within the activities of the CEA for children residing in the municipality of Morino, in collaboration with the Co-operative Lanciavicchio were organized creative workshops for children aged from 6 to 14 year old.
The activities were carried out at the media library and at the parking area of ​​Sacramento Piano days 24, 26, 28 and 31 July and 4, 7 and 9 August, children were enrolled in total 47. The activities have been:
- creative workshops: with natural materials collected in the woods, have designed and built sets and objects for the preparation of the final performance;

- theatrical workshops: techniques of theater and staging the final performance "Kirikou '", included as part of the festival the day 12 August at 17,30 at the nature trail.

-Activation laboratory Tammorra done in the days 10,11 and 12 August, activated in the forests of the Reserve, for children and adults; participants learned to use the tammorra, typical musical instrument of Abruzzo.

-Puppet building workshops in conjunction with the laboratory tammorra, Stop at the Area Plan Sacramento, workshops were held to build puppets for children.


-Guided tours in the days 11 and 12 have been implemented guided tours, Hermitage of the Cautious Morino and Old day and evening 12 in the forests of the reserve to discover the nocturnal birds of prey. The trips were made in collaboration don Cai Civitella Bush and Amilcare D'Orsi.

-Production of theatrical and musical performances:
As part of the festival were presented the following shows:
- MY GRANDFATHER WAS AN OLIVE TREE (Saturday 11 show narration by the Theatre of Paradox)​
- BARBABLÙ (Saturday 11, show for kids by the Association Teatrabile)
- HAPPY GYPSIES (Sunday 12 show of popular music)
- BRIGANTI A MORINO (Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 show in the woods by the citizens of Morino and Theatre Lanciavicchio)
-Videobriganti fragments of films on the theme of 'brigandage by the editorial staff of Terre
-Presentation of the book Sunday 12, at the parking lot the Schioppo was presented the book "The Valley Bush in the French decade (1806-1815)"John De Blasis. The Editors of Lands and Reserve in collaboration with the Cultural Association "The Liri" has organized and managed the presentation of the volume to which intervened scholars and enthusiasts of the history of the Marsi and the Valley Bush.
Ambient'Arti to Morino
Nature Reserve Zompo the Schioppo - Morino (AQ)
10-12 August 2012

Friday 10 Aug. nature trail and parking area Refuge Schioppo

hours 15,00 puppet building workshops for children and teens by Teatro Lanciavicchio
hours 15,00 laboratory tammorra for adults and children to care for Armando Rotilio
hours 18,00 TALES OF THE WOODS show in the woods for children and families – Theatre Lanciavicchio

Saturday 11 Aug. nature trail and parking area Refuge Schioppo

hours 8,00 excursion of the Hermitage Cautious, Starting from the parking lot of the rest of Sacramento Piano
hours 10,30 excursion to the village of Old Morino, Starting from Piazza Sant'Antonio Grange
hours 15,00 puppet building workshops for children and teens by Teatro Lanciavicchio
hours 15,00 laboratory tammorra for adults and children to care for Armando Rotilio
hours 17,30 BARBABLU’ show for kids – Association Teatrabile
hours 19,30 A DINNER WITH THE BANDITS food stalls by the Proloco Morino
hours 21,00 BANDITS A MORINO show in the woods by the citizens of Morino and Theatre Lanciavicchio
hours 23,00 MY GRANDFATHER THE OLIVE spectacle of storytelling – Theatre Paradosso
hours 24,00 VIDEOBRIGANTI fragments of films on the theme 'Banditry’

Sunday 12 Aug. nature trail and parking area Refuge Schioppo

hours 15,00 puppet building workshops for children and teens by Teatro Lanciavicchio
hours 15,00 laboratory tammorra for adults and children to care for Armando Rotilio
hours 17,30 CHURCH’ final performance of the boys and Morino Grange realized within the laboratory
theatrical and dramatic by Teatro Lanciavicchio and CEA Zompo the Schioppo
hours 18,30 presentation of the book "The Valley Bush in the French decade (1806-1815)"John De Blasis
hours 19,30 A DINNER WITH THE BANDITS food stalls by the Proloco Morino
hours 21,00 BANDITS A MORINO show in the woods by the citizens of Morino and Theatre Lanciavicchio
hours 23,00 HAPPY GYPSIES popular music concert
hours 24,00 VIDEOBRIGANTI fragments of films on the theme 'Banditry’ by the editorial staff of TERRE
hours 24,00 EXCURSION night in the forests of the Reserve

Agricultural biodiversity

Executive Summary

The conservation of biodiversity, today, has taken a very broad meaning that in addition to affecting the purely scientific aspects undoubtedly includes the development of the territory and the economic development of the same. If we consider the natural diversity a form of wealth of the territory agricultural diversity is one of the assets which the protection and enhancement can trigger a positive impact on biological factors as economic and cultural.
The project is therefore the objective of initiating actions in favor of the protection of genetic resources and in particular of agricultural landraces that today are at a high risk of extinction along with the cultural heritage associated with it.

Structure and objectives

The project has the following objectives:
• carry out a survey throughout the country to identify the heritage of the variety of local agricultural and traditional still present in the reservoir and surrounding area;
• describe and characterize local agricultural varieties through the use of specific survey forms;
• recover the amount of knowledge about local varieties that are no longer in cultivation but which has kept the memory;
• investigate the links between the genetic and agricultural uses, traditions and folk culture;
• raise awareness of the local population on the importance of preservation of agricultural biodiversity re-evaluating the possible roles that it might have for the development of the territory;
• set up a special space for the activities of reproduction and maintenance of fruit species;
• take action on reproduction and conservation of fruit species in vivo;
• promote conservation activities if possible corporate;
• recovery and cataloging of the accessions (seeds or other plant material) discovered and later sending them in special facilities within the region for the ex situ conservation;
• identifying the protected area of ​​any wild populations of species considered progenitor of cultivated plants;
• research and description of any plant species traditionally grown for purposes other than food;
• investigation of the historic agricultural landscape aimed at identifying and description of the traditional types.
The phases of the project were as follows:
- Recognition and verification of public and private initiatives in the area;
- Preparation and distribution of a report form.;
- Survey on the territory;
- Collection of samples and breeding activities;
- Dissemination of results.


In the first phase was carried out a survey and assessment of public and private initiatives already implemented in the territory of reference needed to achieve the project objectives.
Later it was presented and distributed a special report form and survey mainly addressed to the operators of the reserve and public institutions but also to businesses and to all those who could hold valuable information for the identification of local genetic resources of agricultural interest. The subsequent collection of these cards has allowed the acquisition of valuable information on species and varieties threatened with extinction by allowing, where necessary, further investigation of verification. The information gathered and verified have been cataloged paying particular attention to agronomic, landscape, Historic, ethnobotanical and social issues related to the varieties reported.
Investigations have been performed directly on the field in order to identify both species, varieties and ecotypes of cultivated plants that any wild populations of plants considered to be progenitors of cultivated entity.
The plant material recovered (or part of it) has been the subject of a specific conservation differentiated according to the characteristics of the species and of the possible initiatives that could be undertaken to support the project. It was started to ex situ conservation that took into account the species of trees and / or shrubs, while for herbaceous species were collected accessions, catalog them and start to protective custody in suitable facilities (Germplasm banks). It was suggested the activation of conservation activities of the corporate local species and varieties of most interest through the involvement of local businesses and farmers, in order to ensure the conservation of genetic resource and at the same time the interaction between it and the natural and human environment in which evolved.
Local varieties identified were the subject of a prior assessment that allowed a first morphological, fenonolgica and agronomic and has been prepared in a specific descriptive card that was attached to the photographic documentation. The material thus prepared was used for the realization of a specific catalog.
With regard to the actions dedicated to the awareness and dissemination of knowledge is particular attention was paid to the involvement of citizens and young people during the implementation of the project in order to give continuity, in the future, the activities to be implemented. It has also initiated a process of environmental education in local schools to promote awareness, in the younger generations, the importance of the preservation of agricultural biodiversity and the protection of landscapes related to it.
The project activities have been implemented through several sequential stages.
Report Sheet.
In the first phase has been disclosed the report form, aimed at a wider audience can, also non-specialist, designed to collect reports on local varieties, agricultural environments unfamiliar, historical documents and archives and any other useful information. The card was delivered during visits to farms and during the public meetings organized within delprogetto.
Survey on the territory
Patrols have been carried out both on the territory as a whole to assess general aspects and detect common and unique aspects of the agricultural landscape of reference, both of the specific surveys in companies. The visits were organized on the basis of reports received directly from the territory, based on historical reports and randomly.
The visits were conducted at the farmers referring to people with good local knowledge of places and people. In the most interesting, further visits were organized for the purpose of collection of the material. In the course of inspections was also acquired extensive photographic documentation of both genetic materials, both the research environments. Farmers were asked for permission to take pictures and possibly use.

Collection of samples and breeding activities
For herbaceous species were collected seed samples when available; the sampling was carried out only if this did not result in an excessive depletion of the total material present in the company and in any case considering all the aspects related to conservation.
For tree species, removing the material from the multiplication (dreams) it was only at certain times of the year and in relation to the vegetative stage of the plant. This material was used for the grafts on potted plants which constitute the collection in vivo preserved in a suitable space set. The plants could be used both for taking the grafts in future breeding programs for both initiatives redistribution among farmers of the area and for the realization of the orchards "showcase".
For the dissemination of the project have been activated several initiatives is to promote the development of the project activities, is to disseminate the findings:
- meetings with the local population to explain the aims of the project and for the identification of possible subjects the holders of the knowledge;
- meetings with the school population to raise awareness for the protection of agricultural biodiversity and to promote possible initiatives that involve school-age children;
- meetings at restaurants and / or agrituirismi for the enhancement of local varieties through the presentation of products and dishes prepared with them.
Expected Results
The results of the project are as follows:
- cataloging and description of the varieties found;
- recovery and conservation of germplasm and cultural heritage linked to the traditional varieties;
- activities to raise public awareness and boys;
1 year


The cultural map ... Biomappa

Together with individuals and schools in the educational circle of Civitella Bush have identified the significant elements of the territory, with which has been drawn a biomappa.
From the map were drawn some thematic itineraries included ecomuseum Reserve:
- A reserve of water to walk between streams and waterfalls and deepen distribution and use of water resources;
- A reserve forests, to know the life of forest environments and defend them from overfishing.
- A reserve landscape, to learn to read the close ties between the human component and the natural environment in which we find ourselves.
- A reserve of knowledge and tastes, to taste the typical products and (new)discover organic farming;
- A reserve resources, to seek a balance between the needs of man and land conservation

The biomappa is a tool that is used to reconstruct everything you know of a place: traditions "asleep", uses "live" of the community that lives there, natural elements. It is an open tool and can bring the individual experiences of each of us, the emotions and the love for the land; is a teaching tool that brings exciting to observe and interpret.
The different parts of the world are inhabited by groups of people who share the daily life, special events, stories and narratives, exchanges of ideas and things. People who have created music and images, enhanced flavors and colors that hardly a topographic map can represent. A Biomappa performed by many hands
brings out a '"collective idea" of the landscape, that is not only what "you see" but also represents what many people feel and think.

Culture 2000


Title "CULT QUAKE: the cultural heritage of abandoned villages through interdisciplinary artistic activities "

The project aims to restore and enhance, through the organization of international cultural activities (related in particular to performing arts), geographically disadvantaged villages of Abruzzo, in particular Gioia Vecchio and Morino Old, ancient villages destroyed by the earthquake in the early '900.


Proposed actions A study of cultural planning for the restoration and enhancement of the cultural heritage of Old Joy and Morino.
Place activity: Gioia dei Marsi, Morino, Milan, Ferrara.
Login: July 2005
End of activity: May 2006
Proposed actions campaign of promotion and communication of all project activities.
Place activity: Morino, Gioia dei Marsi
Login: June 2005
End of activity: May 2006
Proposed actions a theater workshop "The tradition goes to the theater": involves the construction of a new dramatic text, based on the traditions and stories of the places, collected directly by the inhabitants of the territories
Place activity: Morino
Login: June 2005
End of activity: August 2005
Proposed actions two laboratories for interdisciplinary artistic training required by international artists(.1 workshop on the techniques of actor,1 sull'allestimento workshop in spectacular natural environment) turned to twenty young European artists. The workshops will be preceded by a European competition, the show, final outcome of the workshops, will be staged at the Festival of Ambient'Arti Morino.
Place activity: Morino
Login: 20.07.2005
End of activity: 12.08.2005
Proposed actions educational activities related to the exploitation of the village of Gioia, aimed at young middle school students of Gioia dei Marsi and Pescasseroli. The result of these activities will be a new stage play written by the children, which will be represented by the same in the abandoned village of Old Joy.
Place activity: Gioia dei Marsi, Pescasseroli, Sulmona
Login: May 2005
End of activity: June 2005
Proposed actions meetings poetic and musical, made in the abandoned houses of Old Joy and reopened to the public for the occasion.
Place activity: Gioia Vecchio
Login: August 2005
End of activity: August 2005
Proposed actions representation "Between Art and Nature": international theatrical and musical events in the village of Old Morino.
Place activity: Morino Old
Login: August 2005
End of activity: August 2005
Proposed actions organization of an international conference to disseminate the final results of the project and to compare with other European success stories related to the renovation and development of villages abandoned or at risk of depopulation.
Participants in the project include the continuation of some activities, after the end date of the initiatives, among which,in particular, provide for the opening of the European School of Drama (that would widen the already existing National School of Drama), diretta Dacia Maraini, based in Gioia Vecchio, aimed at aspiring young playwrights and outside Europe.
Place activity: Gioia dei Marsi and Morino
Login: May 2006
End of activity: May 2006
Proposed actions general project management and reporting.
Place activity: Gioia dei Marsi and Morino
Login: June 2005
End of activity: June 2006


Promote cultural heritage (historical, architectural, artistic, environmental, anthropological) the villages of Old Joy (Italy) and Morino (Italy), through cultural activities, drawing on and respecting the local culture, reveal the membership of that culture to the common European cultural heritage;
increase the number of national and international visitors;
create more job opportunities for young people in the area;
enter the villages in question in a network of European experiences, from which they derive strategies for recovery and enhancement of the local;
create a consensus part of citizens and public and private institutions on the need to preserve their traditional and cultural heritage, as a sign of European collective memory;
to network cultural operators that are concerned with the restoration and enhancement of towns of historical and cultural, who are at risk of dropping out;
actively involve the greatest number of young European artists in the implementation of some project activities;
provide training on innovative artistic techniques to young people from disadvantaged areas;
prevent depopulation of the territories
Implement the artistic paths in the area that can make the protagonists residents, through their personal and collective histories.
Stimulate the use of artistic and cultural products in a region characterized by a very weak possibility of access to theater, music, visual arts and products utilizing new technologies in relation to the arts


The creation of an international network of cultural workers who continue to work even after the end of the project.
Increase the induced loss of business related to cultural tourism industry.
Construction of the European School of Drama in Gioia Vecchio under the direct artistic Dacia Maraini transforming Gioia Vecchio in the "City of playwrights".
Transformation of Morino in the "country crafts".

LEAD AND co-organizers

The leader is the common Morino, co-organizers are the town of Gioia dei Marsi, Theatre Association of Joy, Cooperative Lanciavicchio, Terre Active (France) The women’s association (Romania).
The partnership is made up of an extensive network of local actors and international, having already achieved some good practices to promote the area through culture, pass on their skills to other partners who wish to improve the exploitation of their cultural heritage (Gioia dei Marsi, Morino, Sulmona). The partners both public and private co-operate in ensuring that the objectives of the project are shared by the whole community.


The European partners will collaborate intensively in many activities of the project, exchanging cultural operators, good practice, know how didattico e formativo, related to the enhancement of the common European heritage. This cooperation will bring international expertise currently not present on the territories covered by the project, with the obieetivo develop cultural potential inherent in these territories.

Final beneficiaries

Scholars, researchers and students of cultural planning
citizens of Gioia dei Marsi and Morino, as well as in the neighboring areas
French and Romanian nationals
actors,Trainers, scenography, French technicians, Romanian and Spanish
the users of theatrical activities
viewers of poetry workshops
Europeans and non-European
i tourist centers
children, youth
pupils in primary schools, middle and high schools.

Equal 2004



EQUAL is a Community initiative which aims to eliminate discrimination in the labor market. Is a laboratory for the development of new methodologies, tools and approaches to counter widespread inequality recorded in the labor market. To learn more you can visit


The areas affected by the project are the following Regional Reserves in the Province of L'Aquila:
Reserve Zompo the Schioppo;
Gorges Reservoir of San Venancio;
Reserve Monte Genzana;
Reserve Gole del Sagittario.


Proposer: Reserve Zompo the Schioppo;
Gal Marsica;
Gal Abruzzo Italic;
ESG, structure of accredited training;
Italian Union of Czechs;
Legambiente Abruzzo;
WWF Abruzzo;
Science and Technology Park Eagle;
Cooperative Glider.

THE online

Gorges Reservoir of San Venancio;
Reserve Monte Genzana;
Reserve Gole del Sagittario;
Reserve of Monte Salviano;
Reserve Caves Pietrasecca;
Comunità Montana Valle Bush
Mountain Community Peligna
Cooperative play "Lanciavicchio"
Aad'a Traveling Atelier d'Architecture


Axis entrepreneurship
Measure 2.2
thematic area of ​​intervention: creation and sustainability of enterprises in the social economy.
Fields of action possible: creation of alternative services and innovative, and testing of new productive sectors of the social enterprise. (Is: activities of eco-recycling, social and eco-tourism)


Analysis of problems
The territory covered by this project are areas considered marginal from an economic point of view and social, but they contain elements that go far beyond the capabilities although important environmental values ​​already universally recognized and sanctioned through a complex system of Sites of Community Interest, SIC and Special Protection Areas (ZPS).
Regional reserves, and in our specific case, only those falling in the Province of L'Aquila, given the small size of each area coincides generally with only one common, and for the more effective management tools available to, play a key role in the trial, verification and dissemination of new models of sustainable development. These patterns of development must improve the environmental quality, economic competitiveness, the recovery of areas of cohesion and social equity by making all citizens increasingly policy-makers and land management aware of the values ​​of which are keepers. Furthermore, as well as the quality of a healthy environment is given by the presence of a considerable variety of living forms, the same way in the social, a high degree of civilization is the presence, integration and harmony of "diversity" physical, psychic, cultural, religious, economic, etc.., that distinguish the Human Species.

This partnership is born so with a willingness to experiment with a participated and shared with associations of handicapped, aimed at identifying innovative forms of enjoyment of these areas, which differ only in function of the different skill and sensitivity of the users. It is important to point out that the problem of accessibility is not reducible only to architectural interventions aimed at eliminating some of the barriers nor uncritical application of dimensional data, even if calibrated to a wide range of users, but must take into account the contribution of the global meaning. It is not therefore to design and build trails or parking areas and socialization designed to solve individual problems of the various physical disabilities and mental, but we must think and create mechanisms for securing access to all of these areas, and the opportunity to experience these places and experiences to people with disabilities. The increased efficiency of the services and facilities it also provides an opportunity to qualify human resources in the area and create new job opportunities for disadvantaged groups such as women, the unemployed with difficulty re-entering the labor market, the handicapped.
The project is divided into the following main areas of intervention:
- the first think communication tools and interpretation of the territory that enhance the emotional approach and multisensory so as to ensure a place fruition of Joint, through the experimentation of innovative design processes and shared;
- The second guarantee the accessibility of the different paths and areas of Reserves through the training of operators able to accompany, con le Joëlettes, wheelchairs mountain whoever asks;
- the third the production of innovative tourist information produced directly by the associations of the handicapped aimed at ensuring social services for tourism Original;
- the fourth create entrepreneurship by encouraging the creation of local micro-enterprises and for the production of services, systems and materials that could be marketed in other national protected areas.

Our Le terre

A brief history of the magazine "Terre"

Terre is a periodical founded in 1997 from an idea of ​​the City of Morino. The editors of this journal is made up of boys between the ages of 15 e i 28 years forming part of three reality similar but at the same time different, the common Morino, that is, the three nuclei of Morino, Grancia and Rendinara. This group of young people, directed and coordinated by the chief editor of the magazine Mario Sbarra, through the commitment drinker that allowed us to reconcile with his school work Writing Articles, guaranteed to print many numbers in the past ten years, even if their publication was not always perfectly smooth due to lack of funds. Peculiarities of the editorial is the total freedom of expression that is given to young editors, which over the years have also taken an active part in many projects concerning regional development by experiencing them firsthand and sensitizing the population, also through the medium of journalism, reporting on it every experience addressed. One of the projects which saw the active participation of boys in the group Terre was the process of Agenda 21 local, for which the group has collaborated in the collection of ideas and proposals of citizens, the organization of workshops thesis to the revaluation and the recovery of the land and the creation of forums, etc.. In addition, several members of the group, recently participated in another very important project as that of the photographic census of the entire population of the town of Morino for the realization of ' “family albums world's largest”, and the editorial has also had an active role in organizing the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Natural Reserve Zompo the Schioppo, for which it was created a special monotematico.
After 10 years of more or less constant, this group of young people who obviously over the years has renewed, expressed the need to identify a physical location to host the editors of the magazine and, more generally, a whole range of creative and educational activities targeted at young people of the town of Morino. E 'born that way last year, the idea of ​​creating, building adjacent to its current location in the Reserve, a meeting place to socialize, search, learn and have fun. In this space will be placed in a library, reading rooms, spaces for the activation of creative workshops, for listening to music and for the projection of audiovisual.
Through the use of funds from the CIPE, were initiated the consolidation works of the building and construction of these spaces which is expected to be completed by next summer. The entire complex, of considerable size is constituted by more blocks that are articulated to C around a court, placed in the garden, overlooking the creek Romito and direct access from the main road of the Grange. The building is affected by the intervention in stone masonry, a rectangular plan of about 60 square meters per floor. The project includes the completion of the building of the room a single room and double height located on the ground floor of the building. This space can be put in connection with the current ground floor of the museum, and so constitute a significant appendix exhibition and multipurpose space to be used for laboratory activities. The spaces on the top floor will be connected instead with the offices of the Reserve, and used to house a library and reading room, a room with internet stations and audio listening points, space and video projection.
As soon as the work is completed, This structure will then become the seat of the editorial magazine Terre, who will also bear the management of the library, the multimedia, and to organize a series of events aimed at encouraging the active participation of young people in political and social life of the country.
This project intends to enhance the experience of Terre transforming it into a well-established and ongoing, promoting the active participation of young people of the city to the creation of the magazine starting with the usual writing articles and following the whole process of production of the magazine, from graphic design to the delivery of various numbers to all the families of the town and to the various agencies of the Marsi. It also intends to test a model of self-management of this new cultural center through the activation of events and training sessions related to different activities such as multimedia, writing, music and visual arts


The project has enabled us to enhance the experience of Terre transforming it into a well-established and ongoing, promoting the active participation of young people of the city to the creation of the magazine starting with the usual writing articles and following the whole process of production of the magazine, from graphic design to the delivery of various numbers to all the families of the town and to the various agencies of the Marsi. It has been tested a model of self-management of media library of the nature reserve Zompo the Schioppo through the activation of events and training sessions related to different activities such as multimedia, writing, music and visual arts.
The triggered actions are as follows:
1) Regular meetings of the editorial aimed at drafting a project management of the cultural center and the creation of the journal
The project provides for the organization of meetings aimed at identifying a calendar of events and initiatives to promote opportunities for discussion among young people on topics of particular interest and relevance. In particular, meetings will be held every 15 days, preferably during the weekend (Friday or Saturday), consistent with the needs of the participants, some of whom live outside the municipality for the purpose of study.
2) Activation of the press office
Activate an office responsible for the collection of all the articles on the reserve, published locally and nationally, and dissemination of press releases related to events, events and initiatives organized within the boundaries of the municipal.
3) Print the magazine Terre
Ensure quarterly publication of "Terre", in order to avoid that the articles remain in storage for months and lose interest, as they relate to topics that are no longer relevant or now fallen by the wayside.

4) Updating the website
Allow the upgrade of the space that the magazine "Terre" owns the site of the town of Morino and Reserve, so that all items are available on-line and therefore no longer used for small group of residents of the City.
5) Distribution of the magazine
Ensure the distribution of the magazine in the home town of Morino, and shipping to local authorities Marsi.
6) Organization of training sessions
It includes the organization of workshops aimed at supporting young people through knowledge of innovative techniques and creative languages.
The project activities will be activated in the period May 2008 - May 2009. Within a year, will be published in three issues, respectively in September 2008, January 2009 and May 2009. In the months before (August, December and April) meetings can become more than two, if it is necessary to choose the topics of the articles, discuss the content etc.
The project will take place at the headquarters of the Natural Reserve "Zompo the Schioppo", where there are six multimedia workstations, with internet connection and printer, and later in the media center / library opening soon.
2. Title of the initiative: "Our Le Terre"
3. Purpose and motivation
The project aims to enhance an existing reality through a more structured group of young editors of Terre, that through this project will rely on more economic resources necessary to ensure the regular publication of the journal. It also provides expert support that will help young people in this experience that is an important occasion to socialize and give voice to their ideas, to identify with a group and in a magazine, to express themselves and also create a collective identity. Specifically, we describe below the specific objectives of the project:
1. Stimulate young people's interest for writing, important means of expression of feelings and ideas, and improve the skills possessed, usually school. The objective can be achieved even with the use of professional, through training sessions taught by industry experts.
2. Create a meeting between the young people of the three villages of the Municipality (Morino, Grancia and Rendinara), separated from each other also topographically. The young people will meet and explore together issues relating to current affairs and the territory of Abruzzo. In tal modo, will stimulate the integration and reflection.
3. Allow access to the editorial staff of the magazine even the youngest, and promote the transfer of skills among the largest and less experienced.
4. Create a group able to manage themselves in an autonomous, program of activities to be performed, to enable collaborations and activities of any kind, cultural species, connected to local authorities' (Common, Reserve, Mountain Community).
5. Encouraging participation in the drafting of cultural projects that promote environmental resources, the territory, and the use of innovative communication languages
6. Offer young people effective tools with which to analyze the history, the current status and prospects of the territory.

Country and Crafts


Construction of the family tree of the trades of the various households

Description of project
The Census photo of the households of the City of Morino, activity with a unique character for its originality and relevance in terms of scientific research and artistic, aims to create a database of knowledge and crafts, which gives information on the current composition of households and their past, the crafts once practiced and now abandoned, of those that remained unchanged over time, or processed and discounted. All with the support of the power of communication and the ability to penetrate the images that arise as amplifiers of the actors' voices, without filters or mediation. First, a protected territory is seen not as abstract and distant entity, to be protected by the presence of man, but told through the eyes of those who live, from the hands that worked the land, the dreams of those who collected an inheritance is often not fully understood. Not yet a zoological or botanical plates’ living area where man recognizes, guard and take stock of the wealth of nature accomplice. This work, survey and research, fits as a fundamental element in a global project development and communication which sees the area as "Morino country of Crafts". The overall project wants to give life and promoting new reality of small town Marsicano, conforming it as a center of cultural and professional training in the service of not only the indigenous community but also external users.

Main interventions of the project

- Presentation of the project
The Mayor will present the initiative by implementing a series of activities to inform and involve approximately 730 families residing in the town. Equally, the Directors will, representatives of the various local associations etc..

- Activation of the organizing secretary

A group of young, driven by at least three editors of the magazine "Terre" (newspaper of local information) be the organizing secretary who will, against the other, to manage the calendar of events. The Nature Reserve and the City of Morino will provide the local, the phone, il fax, computers and other substances that may be necessary.

- Definition of the contents of the survey forms

A working group made up of a Sociologist, the anthropologist, by the Director of the Reserve, by some young people in the preparation of "Terre", will prepare a series of questions related to the trades of their ancestors, crafts current and individual aspirations, to ask during shooting. The results of this research-survey, This census unique, constitute the image of the current state, Heritage preserved and projected development: a snapshot of the role of each individual and of its position in its space, in his time.

- The photos
Each family, the nucleus to the full, pose for the photographer in an environment of your own home. The choice of clothing, accessories and environments will be made directly by the subjects portrayed. Source of illumination will be, whenever possible, the environment looks (natural or artificial) in order to return more faithfully the atmosphere of their places. The importance of the operation lies in not being content with achieving a snapshot in which appear all the inhabitants of the country but interacting with each household, entering its specific world, establishing a deep contact after crossing the threshold. Breaking the isolation. The front door, open to allow entry of the foreign (and the machine that sees), will again permeable to the movement from the outside and towards the outside. The recurrence of gesture amplifies and determines the perception of space storms, produces / reproduces the movement of the actor / observer. Some photographs will be made to reproduce even particular architectures, of furniture and furnishings. On certain occasions the video interviews will be carried out also. The teams will be two, will work independently of one another and will be formed by a photographer, by an assistant, by an editor for interviews, sometimes also by a videographer and will be accompanied and introduced by some people identified and recognized as a leader and promoter. The portraits and all other images will be made using both analog and digital technology.

- Publication of the results
The results of the survey and interviews, of enormous scientific interest in the field of social anthropology, the database and all the visual material produced will be organized and published. It will be produced an interactive CD-ROM for distribution to the public, in the departments of the universities and with other organizations and associations. A level paper we will prepare the publication of a photo book that can also disseminate scientific content collected (for this editorial will involve among other sponsors Enterprises, Bodies, Credit Institutions, etc…). It will also create a series of exhibitions, interviews with the media of television and newspapers, conferences, conferences and debates.

- Who has helped us to realize the project
A Sociologist - Giuliano Di Gaetano;
An expert in environmental communication - Gabriella Monaco:
A team of photographers - "Iconografica";
The group of guys in the preparation of the local magazine - "Terre"
The citizens of Morino

Region Abruzzo, importo € 20.000,00 - Project completed

Recovery plan Morino Old


Only with the drafting of the new Recovery Plan, it was possible to define, through the Technical Implementation, the modes of intervention most appropriate, in relation to the particular static conditions, environmental and typological characteristics of the urban fabric on which you operate. The implementation of the Recovery Plan of the Village of Old Morino is part of a process of recovery and revitalization, for some years, is experienced and carried out by the Town Council, with a new method of approach to the problems of recovery, no more mono-sectoral, but holistic and participatory, through the contribution of the population and its different social categories. The experience of the direct involvement of local knowledge is possible if one redefines and strengthens the role of the places of knowledge production in relation with the territory, its actors and the resources available.


The plan includes a series of actions designed to transform this site into one of the poles of the system as ecomuseale Reserve Zompo the Schioppo. This area is used for some years as the ideal setting for events and artistic, campus and educational and creative fields of international volunteering. Then place dedicated to the training and exchange of experiences.
The plan intends to revitalize the village of Old Morino understood as an engine of socio-economic development of the local and a new and stronger attention to the principles of habitat quality and environmental sustainability, according to a process that leads to the construction of an identity based on the promotion of local traditions but also open to outside cultural and economic resources intercept that ensure the feasibility.


The recovery plan has identified some areas that according to the different characteristics are used for the equipment and functions.
1. Culture and release time. This category refers buildings and open spaces dedicated to the organization of artistic events, cultural and environmental exposure - even permanent - works of art.
2. Theme Park. This category refers to an area of ​​the village of Old Morino intended to be maintained in a state of ruin. The purpose of this choice is to keep a tangible reminder of the tragic earthquake of 1915. This Memorial Museum will be locked down and made it visitable, studying the paths that illustrate the urban structure and the functioning of the village of Morino.
3. Green public facilities. For these areas must be guaranteed the viability and pedestrian use through landscaping and a partial paving.
4. Eco Educational Modules. They refer to this category spaces reserved articulation popularization of technological systems such as constructed wetlands and open to the solar park photovoltaic panels to supply electricity for public lighting.


All planned work is characterized by its compatibility with the environment in terms of energy and water saving, use of local renewable resources, and encouraging the use of traditional technology and local workers. The eco-village Morino will play an important regional educational and informative. Will be a pilot concrete example to illustrate the issues related to sustainability, giving you the chance to experience everyday methods of sustainable management to a new awareness of consumption.

a. Conscious management of water resources
The water management of the village is divided by collecting rainwater tanks and retention that can be used for irrigation and flushing the toilets. The stormwater runoff occurs in part with exposed ductwork, embedded in the pavement of public spaces, and in part through an underground network. In this way, water management of the village becomes didactic, because you can “read” anytime. For the flooring of the village will be used local stone to recovery, implementation dry so as not to make completely waterproof interventions. The disposal of waste water in the village is done by separating the waters according to their degree of pollution, soapy waters are separated from the wastewater. The purification is entrusted to a wetland system through the use of aquatic plants, mechanical filtration and absorption level microbacteriological. The water downstream of constructed wetlands comes out clean, Class A, and will feed a pond of water retention in the open.

b. Energy savings
Public lighting is ensured by a system of low-voltage lamps powered by photovoltaic panels. The parks of solar collectors will be concentrated in areas designated for constructed wetlands plants and modules ecological.

c. Environmental sustainability and quality of outdoor spaces
The spaces intended for public green trees will be planted with native species that take on the task of ensuring a lowering of the temperature in the summer months, the oxygen supply in, a natural filter to dust, a habitat for birds and other animals that feed on pests such as flies, Mosquitoes, etc. Escarpments and in general the containment of land will be made preferably by traditional dry stone walls, that allows the slow drainage of terraces, or naturalistic engineering.


Nel X° secolo, embodies the phenomenon of’ incastellamento, which sees rise imposing defensive structures around the offshore centers still appreciable in shape or restored, as in the case of Morino Old, ruderizzata.
The phenomenon comes to life between the Xth and XIIth century, edificatoria mainly thanks to the work of a noble family of the accounts of Marsi, who came from France, reached their maximum power around the ninth century, then decay politically, and with them the process of fortification of the region marsicana, as a result of the Norman conquest.
The nuclei of battlements objects correspond in large part to the existing town centers, including the same Morino, which remained virtually unchanged until the earthquake of 1915.
The defensive function was often accompanied by the housing, representing these centers residence, as well as landowners, also of the peasant population.
The case of Morino old was probably originally characterized by’ building a tower gated by an exponent Fucino County dei Marsi.
The castellum you witness in the 1150 and in 1167, ie when the County was now part of the new Norman kingdom of Sicily, inserted in the Principality of Capua. The castle was the seat of a small garrison consists of three soldiers, a feud that can accommodate approximately 380 residents and provide, in the event of armed conflict, a troop of six knights, twelve foot soldiers and as many squires.
Always in’ XI century appears for the first time in an official document of the name Morino, related to the donation of the church at Monte Cassino Benedictine Sancto Petro in Morini, witness to the presence of Benedictine monks in this area until the thirteenth century, the ruins of which are still visible in places Brecciose.
The mid-twelfth century, with the conquest of the Marsi by the Normans and ultimate membership of the valley to the Kingdom of Sicily, were counted, in addition to that of Morino, eleven castles, all estates in the county of Alba. In the catalog of the Barons of 1173 Morino had about 375 people. In this era stood a short distance of the center of a cluster of houses called Morino Morino Villa; would take the name of Grancia from the fourteenth century, when it became the granary of the Carthusians of Trisulti.
During the period of maximum activity (XIII and XIV Secolo), due to a strong economic development resulting from the strengthening of feudal customs, we witnessed a new phase of expansion of the castles, Morino in the building of the village dates back to this period; the new wall was equipped with turret rompitratta “a scudo”. Traces of these works are still visible in the church of San Rocco and along the route between New Osteria and Facchini the church of Santa Maria. The church itself is based on the apse of a bastion “a scudo”, with control functions on the mountainside.
During the following century, of heated territorial disputes, and even more so in the fifteenth century, there is a third phase of the castle edificatoria, with the construction of cylindrical bastions on the sides to protect more. The remains of these extensions can be spotted on the wall of the Palazzo Ferrante and on the south west.
The doors were likely to be two: one principale, located at the beginning of that journey from New Osteria Facchini door to the church of Santa Maria, other, secondary, mail in the direction of the Grange.
During the sixteenth century the system is enriched with new buildings that still characterize the landscape plan: the church of San Rocco, Outside the city walls, a nave and rooms with floor for burial, and especially that of Santa Maria Bambina, system of urban breath that the erection of the pointed bell tower and apse of the great rampant, combines the realization of the public square in front of. Other constructions of the period of a certain value are the palaces of the noble families, The Ferrante and the Facchini, for the rest we are seeing new expansions from here to the eighteenth century, when the realization of the ironworks along the Romito Bourbon marks a new increase in the population.
With the advent of the Kingdom of Naples, the common Morino, those of Morrea, Castronovo and S. Vincenzo Valle Bush were merged to the capital Civita d'Antino up to 1816.

THE EARTHQUAKE 13 January 1915
“In 1915 a violent earthquake had destroyed a large part of our district and in thirty seconds killed about thirty thousand people. What surprised me most was to see how naturally the villagers to accept the terrible catastrophe. In a contrada come our, where many injustices unpunished, the frequency of the earthquakes seemed a plausible done so as not to require further explanation. There was indeed no wonder that the earthquakes did not occur more often. In fact, the earthquake died rich and poor, educated and illiterate, authorities and subjects. In the earthquake the nature realized what the law promised in words and in deeds not maintained: Equality. Ephemeral equality. Past the dread, the collective misfortune turned into opportunity for wider injustices.”
(Ignazio Silone)

The 13 January 1915 a shake of X degrees on the Mercalli scale causes only Avezzano 10.700 victims, the 95 % the entire population. In the province of L'Aquila earthquake cause 32.000 dead and about a thousand victims in the provinces of Caserta (up to 1927 were the province of Caserta areas that currently fall into one of Frosinone), Rome, Perugia and Chieti. Even the Bush Valley and the village of Morino not escape this tragic event flow.
The importance of the earthquake of 1915, beyond the undoubted tragedy that struck the resident population, actually causes the end of the medieval settlement pattern, causing the displacement of almost all the villages down the valley, close to the major communication routes.

If this, one part, decreased isolation between the centers of the valley, other favored a sort of split these common, sanctioning the appearance on the territory of nuclei ruderizzati. This sort of schizophrenia urban, according to which it is easy to find near the present village the ghost of his former life, is still one of the most noticeable features of the land man-Valley Bush. In the aftermath of the earthquake, were taken similar measures to those adopted during the earthquake of Messina: he was appointed a Commissioner with full powers civil and building techniques that approved standards, subject to certain requirements necessary to local needs, resembled those of the 1908. It decreed that cater directly to the study of the projects of urban development plans, distinguishing between municipalities with a population greater than or less than 5.000 people. It was organized under this division the procedure for approval of the plan, delegating it to the prefect, in the case of municipalities with fewer inhabitants.
Morino is reconstructed downstream in the vicinity of the railway in the locality Grancia. The decree, in fact, never repealed, that prohibited new constructions and reconstructions partial and total were taken in the old locations.

The PRP in the Abruzzo region identifies the distribution area of ​​the village of Old Morino well as historical / architectural, environmental and landscape value by, falling in area A1, is subject to Conservation with Transformability targeted as already accepted by the PRG common Morino. This transformability, is aimed at a tourist infrastructure, hotel with extra features as required by LR. 28 aprile n ° 75 (discipline of tourism facilities extralberghiere).
So a new function that aims at the upgrading of the cultural environment. All in accordance with and in the protection of natural and landscape values ​​of the context of intervention (the village of Old Morino and surrounding areas) understood as a single organism complex environmental.
The village is today largely ruderizzato and, at first glance, unrecognizable as urban. After the earthquake of 1915 and dispossession that the inhabitants have made in subsequent years to rebuild their homes in the new country to the valley, the village was such a long time shrouded in vegetation that had covered the hill. Poking the bell tower of the church of S. Maria Bambina, le mura fortificate, buildings located on Piazza San Rocco, the newer part of the village, built to the east at the foot of the hill, which is better preserved.
The cleanup and the resulting total rediscovery of the ruins, necessary for a complete survey and detailed study of the morphology and texture of Morino Old, have brought to light the shape of the urban structure which identifies a number of homogeneous zones, who then guided the choices of the PP in the determination of the Unitarian Areas and Units Minimum Intervention. In the area lying to the north-west, dominant and almost ridge, you will find the ruins of the church of S. Maria Bambina whose bell tower, although seriously damaged, still stands and remains the most visible point - from the surrounding area - around the village. Twenty meters below the church complex to the west lies the palace Facchini, one of the best preserved buildings of the oldest part of Old Morino.

The crest of the hill - which follows the route that goes from south-east to north-west - on which stands the village was built entirely but, because of seismic oscillations amplified by the position of its ridge, is now comprised almost entirely of ruins that allow an assessment of the urban fabric as only ground plant. Immediately below, on the south slope of the hill the palace is still recognizable Giovarruscio.
The southern slope is characterized, in the lower part, by the presence of remnants of the boundary walls, on which stand several buildings which are observable for the main building features and typological. The access road to the village from the west, along the walls, arrives at the top to a square on which stands the ruins of a small building known as the New Osteria Facchini. Along the road that leads to Grancia, West, there are some buildings used for the management of agricultural land and grazing.
To the east is the square of San Rocco, located in front of the ruins of the church, trail along the ridge that leads to the valley towards the new town of Morino and the town of Civita d'Antino. Along this route there are three more modern buildings that have been preserved by Morino, although in a state of neglect, until today.
Recurring items with the highest frequency are due to material: pietra a vista (frequently plastered) per the MURATURE, in roofing tiles and stone finishes squared.
From the typological point of view, most common is the building on two levels with time in blocks of stone in the first, a pitched roof with sloping roof and external staircase. Next to this you can find a variation on two levels with attic but workable, Once in stone quoins at the first level, wooden floor on the second, often covered by a roof with four sloping sides.

As regards the arrangement of the fronts prospective, the terrain creates the basis for at least three aggregation schemes. In a first case, where the altitude is more irregular, The main façade is made up of individual fronts, staggered between them; in other cases the orography more regular allows to obtain a unified front. In a further case the bodies are joined in such a way as to constitute veritable internal courtyards, often used for routine household activities.
Regarding the openings the series is rather uniform, differing in some variations concerning especially the decorative techniques. The portal of entry is the internal punch made with greater care and is constituted by blocks of stone shaped, often finely decorated; the wooden door is made of boards assembled simply.
The openings made to access a local service (is. cellar), stone elements are characterized by a single block of vertical and horizontal stone which often serves the function of flange. Regarding the windows is found, both in the lower floors than in high, an 'alternating frames made of plaster and openings made of blocks of stone that also perform the function of frame.

Theatre Square

Request financing Bando CIPE Ministry of the Environment

This project involves the construction of the property identified by the Recovery Plan with the letter C included as part of the fund unit V °. The Plan has identified this area for an intended use of such equipment in the public interest for culture and leisure.
This compartment coincides with one of the landmarks of the entire village, the drive that you plan to rebuild represents the fifth to the east of the square, facing the bell tower and the church, It has been conceived as the final head of the theme park.

Articulation of space
The space was designed as a "square-equipped" to accommodate theater, concerts and debates. The natural slope of the hill, is regularized by means of steps to be used as chairs of an outdoor theater where the fifth is made from superb views of the limestone cliffs and waterfall of the Zompo Schioppo. This area of ​​approximately 200 sqm will be covered by a light structure of which will be housed a series of photovoltaic panels needed to make independent from the energy point of view the entire unit. Adjacent to the square is made a block at the service of the activities of some 100 mq, consisting of toilets, from a reception area with information and sales promotional material and storage rooms for various equipments. This block, entirely underground, is part of a system of terraces degrading representing the final part of the paths of the theme park.

The materials and technologies used
This intervention is part of the series of buildings to be rebuilt entirely on existing plant, that according to the instructions of the PPR, where possible and in compliance with current seismic, must be made of load-bearing masonry.
The materials used are solid bricks, bricks honeycomb porous bricks, local stone, or other materials that in any case ensure a good hygroscopic behavior of the masonry, put in place with hydraulic lime mortar. The horizontal structures are made of wood and will be observed, however, the standards and requirements laid down laid down by the laws in force concerning stability of foundations and construction, with special reference to earthquake standards.
The limited portions of existing masonry, after investigation on the static stability and consistency, will be integrated in the intervention and the subject of restoration and recovery through the walls and mending with specific interventions of consolidation with reinforced concrete structures. o metalliche.
The coverage of the service block will be flat and paved with slabs of local stone, wooden planks and gravel.
The gutters and descendants will be copper with circular cross-section.
The roof of the plaza will be equipped with a load-bearing structure consists of laminated wood which will be housed solar panels covering an area of ​​max 1/5 dell’area, the remaining area will be covered by shading panels in copper.
For parts to be plastered will only be used plaster of traditional, devoid of cement binder that will reduce breathability and plastic pigments.
The colors are pastel shades of ocher, yellow, and "hot lands", obtained by the addition of pigment paste in aqueous dispersion with lands or other natural pigments.
It will be realized a system for the collection and accumulation of rainwater and the recycling of same. Rainwater collected from roofs and paved by the parties will be stored in a tank and reused for non-precious as flushing the toilet or watering the terraces arranged in the garden, reducing water consumption by 30%.
It will also be realized a system of separation of the black water / gray for the purposes of
calibrate the purification according to the degree of sewage pollution. These will be conveyed, by means of a collection system semicentralizzata, with a septic tank of first digestion to ensure the separation of the solid components of sewage and the next connection to the phytoremediation.
They will also be provided for design solutions to optimize natural ventilation systems that use geothermal energy and the topography of the village, with the objective of lowering the consumption of energy to control the differences seasonal thermal.
Particular attention will also be paid to minimizing soil sealing, the paving of the square equipped with technical solutions will be made semi-permeable, to make possible the partial absorption of rainwater from the soil.

Evaluation report of the effects on public services and on the activities
The Program, in its implementation, fits, as already said, within an organism to fruition broader territorial 's "Eco-Museum", which involves the construction or development of the different realities in the territory of the municipality of Morino and Nature Reserve "Zompo the Schioppo". The outstanding elements of this comprehensive system of regional infrastructure for tourism and receptive, are "the cascade of Zompo the gun and the village of Old Morino.
As for the construction of the logic ecomuseal, also for the realization of this program is participatory processes are followed and consultation, with both the political sphere and with the local population, this guarantees that any intervention is shared at the local level since its inception phase, but also with the purpose of giving a concrete management of interventions. For several years the administration of the municipality of applying Morino, to land management, such participatory processes has created innovative systems management (public-private) services and events which saw the local community active and involved. This type of actions are able to develop entrepreneurship at the local level.
The program in its realization has followed and will follow in its different phases such procedural paths.
The recovery of the village and then on the Public Areas including the whole object of the present project, is for the local community the opportunity to realize a rich system of spaces dedicated to public services for different purposes, laboratories for the activation of creative and campus trainings, multipurpose spaces to host concerts, events and theater performances, spaces for the sale and promotion of food, wine and craft. The particular attention paid to the sustainability of the interventions in these areas will also make public the village a collection of small classrooms that will transform the village into a small citadel same ecological use closely linked to environmental education activities that usually the natural reserve "Zompo the Schioppo "already plays. Such a concentration of services, facilities and activities in an appealing area of ​​great landscape value and represents a unique opportunity not only for the city but for the whole of Morino Valley Bush, effectively led to a real strengthening of the tourism offer quality to the level of the Valley.
In addition, the implementation of the program, allowing the use of historical places inaccessible today and in a state of neglect, also represents an important opportunity for cultural exchange and growth for the local community, that have the ability to read their own roots and on it build new forms of micro-economics.
Starting from these assumptions, the final project will be developed through a participatory planning workshop in which they will be directly involved citizens and local workers to transmit basic knowledge of materials and construction techniques. This situation offers the ideal condition for a real exchange between the local community and external professionals to the area. In addition, the implementation tourist infrastructures framework (new spaces for outdoor performances) allow you to expand the organization of events and arts events at regional and national, as has already happened in previous years, representing a boost to the local economy and the prospects for individual work especially young. On these cultural and artistic events or related to local tradition, the community has given examples of micro entrepreneurship either individually or in partnership with the City Council. Among the outstanding examples we can mention the construction of a joint enterprise formed by the common Morino, with private capital in the form of shares purchased by many citizens. This company, Se. Give. You, deals with the ordinary management of the reserve, General Services of the City, but also operates outside, predominantly in the summer period, service in tourist infrastructure schemes.

A reserve all ...


The Nature Reserve Zompo The Schioppo has long been committed to the implementation of safeguard policies by raising awareness of the environmental heritage and role of human communities that have settled in those territories. Aware that live in a protected area is definitely a privilege and not a handicap, also paid particular attention to the implementation of projects of solidarity aimed at providing a fruition of the Reserve also to disadvantaged groups. From 2001 are hosted children from the areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the framework of the national project of Legambiente solidarity. In this respect have already been purchased 3 Joelettes, wheelchairs mountain, specially designed to allow also for people with disabilities, the elderly and the injured to achieve medium and high mountain trails, avoiding structural interventions on routes that would create an environmental and visual impact. This project was so overcome by the idea of ​​the concept of pathways and structures designed in different ways according to the different abilities of the users, and is divided into two main areas of focus:
- thinking tools of communication and interpretation of the territory that enhance the emotional and sensory approach;
- ensure the accessibility of the different paths through the training of operators able to accompany, con le Joëlettes, whoever asks.

The layout of the route in the village of Old Morino

Participatory paths
Citizenship, in recent years, has participated in initiatives of animation and territorial enhancement activated in collaboration with several associations and organizations. Significant changes were made to the revitalization of the Village of Old Morino through the fields of voluntary activated by Legambiente, AAd’a – Mobile workshop architecture, and by the Cooperative play the Lanciavicchio. The process of Agenda 21 Local, achieved in 2002 has strengthened the intent to build on the accomplishments of shared management decisions through the activation of participatory planning workshops.

Theme Trail
The earthquake of 13 January 1915 destroys the entire country of Morino. A shake of the tenth anniversary of the Mercalli scale only causes in the town of Avezzano 10.700 victims, the 95 % the entire population. What the earthquake spared of the centers of the Valley Bush will not be restored because the locations of the buildings are incompatible with the rules of good construction techniques established. The abandonment of the medieval settlements and displacement of settlements toward the bottom of the valley means that you find yourself next to the country present the ghost of his former life. This is still one of the most noticeable features of the Valley Bush.

The laboratories of participatory planning
The practice of participatory planning has already become practice in the activities of the reserve, providing valuable opportunities for reflection and growth, especially for the younger generation with a way of life more fair to the rights of each. At a time when the resources of the able-bodied are frequently denigrated by globalization, resources for people with disabilities, that have developed strategies to meet their own needs to live and enjoy nature and to communicate with others, are key to achieving the apparatus responsive to the needs of all.

Training courses
Were purchased at the beginning of the year No. 3 Joelettes, wheelchairs mountain, specially designed to allow also for people with disabilities, the elderly and the injured to achieve medium and high mountain trails
The use of this instrument requires the presence of two attendants that must be well formed for them to perform a complex job that involves sharing of fatigue of the path, the responsibility of those sitting on the joelette relies completely on others and the joy of living places and landscapes along to someone who otherwise would have been excluded.
For these reasons, it is fundamental organization of a training course that is a collaboration between the industry and environmental professionals who specialize in integration activities with disabled people: The Natural Reserve of the Zompo Schioppo and the "Cooperative Glider" NPO Bari.

The devices
The roughness of the terrain, the whistling of the wind among the ruins, the smell of wild herbs and to the birds of prey that have colonized this forsaken place nearly a century of the route are already a multisensory experience. Thanks to its location along the path of some of the "witnesses", narrative will be able to discover facts, stories of this place, and the seismic event that caused the destruction and subsequent abandonment.

In 2010 Reserve Zompo The Schioppo Federparchi and in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy presented " Guide to the use independent ", a project to enrich and facilitate use through the removal of architectural barriers, to raise public awareness and operators in the tourism sector on the issues of accessible tourism and the many "barriers" architectural, but above all cultural, that prevent people with disabilities to fully realize their fundamental right to benefit in an autonomous and rewarding leisure. The trail has been equipped to facilitate their use through audio guides for the blind and visually impaired thanks to the collaboration with the Italian Union of the Blind and the Anffas of Avezzano.
